
Friday, July 8, 2011

Why You Should Use Radiant Barrier Insulation

Individuals reflective barriers that are great conductors for transferring heat via thermal radiation are known as Radiant Barrier. Heat can also be transferred through convection and conduction. But the Radiant Barrier don't guard against such methods of heat exchange.
Via thermal radiation, energy is released by every material and the extent of which is dependent on surface temperature and the relative ability of the material to emit radiation which in turn is directly proportional to heat radiated at specific wavelengths. At these provided wavelengths, the amount of energy that a substance reflects measures the Reflectivity of that material.

Emissivity of Radiant Barrier must be low (like .1 or much less) at those wavelengths at which they are supposed to function. The wavelength generally lies within mid and long infrared spectrum that is somewhere between 3 to 15 micrometers for long buildings. Reflectivity has a very fluctuating value for that Radiant Barrier. This occurs as emissivity and reflectivity never gets added to give one for varying wave length. It could be said that low thermal emissivity creates dark surfaces and for correct functioning, the Radiant Barrier should be facing open surfaces that are vacuum or air to prevent radiation.

Implementing radiant barrier
A substance was made by NASA which was reflective, light and made from plastic substrate and was aluminum coated by vapor deposition method which is commonly known as space blanket. The primary use of space blanket is to protect astronauts, spacecrafts and equipments from radiation and to retain heat as in space temperature fluctuations are common. As heat transfer in space is feasible only through radiation therefore, Radiant Barrier are much more efficient and helpful in space rather than on earth where the heat transfer can also be feasible via convection and conduction even after deploying Radiant Barrier.

Radiant Barrier may also be deployed to bring down indoor heat reduction. 
There are two methods to install Radiant Barrier provided as follows: 
1.Radiant Barrier Decking 
2.Radiant Barrier Attic Foil.

The roofs our house absorbs a lot of solar energy during sunny days. In fact the roof sheathing also gets heated up and therefore radiates heat down to attic floor. By placing a radiant barrier in the attic floor the heat is reflected keeping the top surface cool and simultaneously preventing the heat from entering the rooms. This makes a radiant barrier an efficient reflecting system. 
The conventional attic insulation and radiant barrier differ from each other. Although, they functions similarly but internally they work in a different way. The areas near a radiant barrier are cooler as it reduces the heat radiated while the traditional method of attic insulation achieves this by means of convection. This method utilizes air trapping. This technique is rated by R-value. Radiant Barrier has no R-values as they count on a lot of things.

The cost range of Radiant Barrier differs depending on a lot of factors. It depends on the shape and size as well as the requirements of the person getting them installed. Additional factors include the extra features which some individuals like to incorporate in it. The price is different for a new house and an existing one.

Therefore Radiant Barrier is very much useful systems these days. They are of vital importance and preferred these days.
Author Resource:- Know how you can get benefitted from 
radiant barrier and radiant barrier insulation at our website. Read latest radiant barrier reviews

By : Radiant Barrierone 
Submitted 2010-08-18 11:31:17
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